With Expert Care Overcome Odds to Beat COVID-19
Case History:
Mrs. Farah Amir (Patient) Aged 47 Years was Admitted in Saifee Hospital on 31-January, 2022 with Complaints of High Grade Fever Cough and Shortness of Breath.
She was admitted and treated by the following consultants;
- Dr. Bilal Salahuddin (Chest Physician)
- Dr. Khurram Daniyal (Nephrologist)
- Dr. Haris Majeed Chundrigar (Cardiologist)
She is a known case of SLE (Systemic Lupus Erthymatosus) and was diagnosed as a case of Chronic Kidney Disease earlier and was advised to under go dialysis.
Investigation revealed that she was diagnosed as "Covid Positive" and with complications.
When she was admitted, the Hospital already had a well-established COVID-19 treatment regimens. Although Mrs. Farah Amir didn’t require ventilation, as she was on high levels of oxygen & received steroids, Antibiotics and Remdesivir (an antiviral) then she was managed conservatively.
Saifee Hospital was one of the first hospitals to use Dexamethasone (corticosteroid) medicine to treat coronavirus patients.
Mrs. Farah Amir was expertly managed by a very capable team, as she recovered from covid in due time & responded very well to the treatment and Mrs. Farah Amir has been on dialysis ever since.
She visits Saifee Hospital twice a week for her dialysis, upon remembering the difficult times of covid and her health. Mrs. Farah Amir said “Saifee Hospital has provided me the best care and continues to do so. The doctors here are very professional and I am very much satisfied”. Throughout the pandemic, Saifee Hospital participated in drug trials to identity new treatments such as Remdesivir and Tocilizumab. Our care for COVID-19 patients was on a level with top hospitals of the city even though we are not a tertiary care centre. Although most COVID-19 patients recover within a few weeks, some can experience mild symptoms for longer periods. While symptoms generally resolve with time, so the best way to protect yourself & others from COVID-19 and the lasting symptoms of the illness is by getting vaccinated.
Patient Underwent Exploratory Laparotomy and Managed Post-operatively
Case History:
Mrs. Afshan Naz (Patient) Rushed to Saifee Hospital in Emergency on 22-April, 2023 with History of LSCS (Lower Segment Caesarean Section) at Clinic & Complained of Abdominal Distension and Pain for One Week.
She was admitted and treated by the following consultant;
- Prof. Anjum Afshan (Gynaecologist)
Mrs. Afshan Naz had visited a couple of Hospitals for this complain but was not properly diagnosed after relevant blood and radiological investigations, patient was diagnosed with uterine scar dehiscence with large abdomino-pelvic intraperitoneal collection. Patient underwent exploratory laparotomy on 24-April, 2023 and was managed post-operatively.
Mrs. Afshan Naz was discharged on 05-May, 2023 in a satisfactory condition & currently, she is doing well and coming to Prof. Anjum Afshan (Gynaecologist) for her follow-up visits.